The Dewbauchee Seven 70 is a hidden vehicle will be unlocked soon in an update for Grand Theft Auto Online. It is based on the design aesthetics of the Aston Martin One-77 or the Aston Martin DB10, or indeed a hybrid of the two cars. It is a compact sports car with light similar to Dewbauchee Massacro even more straight and narrow, giving the appearance of a large tourism vehicle. It has a slight resemblance to the Grotti Bestia GTS for the front. Their statistics is currently unknown but perhaps is likely to be very good.
The Seven-70 portrays extremely simple interior design. However, it is a 2-seater car like most other sports cars in GTA 5 but offers up to 15 customization options via Los Santos Customs.

GTA 5 Car: Dewbauchee Seven-70 Detailed Info and Stats
Car Price:
$ 695.000 (GTA Online)
Top Speed:
Copy of Real Life vehicle:
Aston Martin One-77