The Western Daemon is a chopper style motorcycle featured in GTA 5. This motorcycle mostly the same appearance in GTA 5, with the major change being the seat and handlebar colors now being a dark tan rather than black. Both seats also are embroidered with Lost MC insignias. In GTA 5, you can customize the Daemon to look exactly like the HD Universe’s rendition of the Wayfarer, with the exception of a different paintjob.
in GTA 5, this bike can spawn painted red, this is a reference to the 1987 film “Mannequin”, in which the main character drives a bike similar to the Daemon.

GTA 5 Motorcycle: Western Daemon
GTA Online price:
Western Daemon Location:
-May spawn while Driving a Baller (Version II) at West Vinewood.
-Rarely found at Burton, Hawick and West Vinewood.
-Making a job for Downtown Cab Co. involving The Lost Brotherhood, you can find the bike ridden by Lost MC Members.
-The player (using any of the 3 characters) can come across a “Snatched” random encounter, where a group of The Lost Brotherhood members are attempting to kidnap a girl on South Mo Milton Drive, Vinewood Hills. If the player eliminates the bikers, he will be asked to escort the woman back to her place. During the trip the player will encounter more members of The Lost MC riding on Daemons. The bike can be obtained by killing the members and stealing it.
Extra Mods:
Exhaust, Front seat, Fuel Tank, Handlebars, Rear Mudguard, Rear Seat, Turbo