The Lindsay Lohan – GTA 5 Lawsuit is Heating Up
You are quite keep track of information in the gaming industry would be familiar with the demands of the law made by famous Hollywood actress – Lindsay Lohan to open-world gaming franchise mainstay Rockstar – Grand Theft Auto 5. Lohan asked to Rockstar to replace a number of indemnity costs because they have used the figure of him in the game without permission. The character named “Lacey Jonas” in the game mentioned is based on the life story that happened to him. When you find Lohan alleged character, Lacey Jonas in “GTA 5,” she’s hiding in an alleyway from a mob of paparazzi in Downtown Vinewood. Your mission is to take her home without killing anyone. During your interaction, Jonas continually complains about the burdens of being famous
Rockstar do not consider this too serious lawsuits and called Lohan just looking for controversy to raise the popularity admittedly, increasingly dim. But Lohan seemed to be very serious. Than just file a complaint, Lindsay Lohan seems increasingly serious about “getting” a little luck of the franchise’s multibillion USD. His legal team is now throwing new evidence as thick as 45 pages by focusing on the same claim – that Rockstar has adapted the figure in the video game, but also make it as promotional material GTA 5. He accused Rockstar have loaded Lacey character Jonas in diverse media campaign , on billboards, buses, clothing, to drink cups. Lohan also claims that red bikini-clad female characters who have been the identity of GTA 5 is also based on a photo of himself in the year 2007.

In August, Rockstar’s legal team claimed the star filed the lawsuit “for publicity purposes,” adding that the only similarities between Lohan and the in-game character that she claimed was created in her image was that they were both young, blond women. Rockstar still has not give any comment related to escalation of demands made by Lohan. Does Lohan have a chance to win with all this new evidence? Let’s wait their squabbles in court.